Sunday, January 23, 2011

Complicated Viking's Top Five Films of 2010

1. The Kids Are Alright

A perfect title for a perfect film: truly heartbreaking and heartwarming. Also, hilarious.

2. Toy Story 3

Again: generation-defining, animated prison breakout movie with babydoll Leatherface.

3. The Social Network

Aaron Sorkin, David Fincher, Jesse Eisenberg: the dream team, the dream movie.

4. The King's Speech (please ignore clip if seeing film in the next month)

An extremely-likable film of personal triumph: never bores, always entertains.

5. 127 Hours

An instantly enthralling movie that works the material like a high-class commercial.

And that's all folks. Here's to another great year.

Joel Samson Berntsen (Smith Westerns - Imagine, Pt. 3)

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