Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cramer vs. Cramer

Just some brief thoughts on the John Stewart vs. Jim Cramer episode.

5 degrees of Kevin Bacon and Ellie Wiesel was hilarious.

Cramer: Seemed very pathetic at first. How did he even become famous? Shrunk into a little boy and started to do anything to appease Stewart. He screwed over the public people and his constant stream of apologies and regrets appear some-what insincere.

“We’re not in bed with them.” - The quote has me very concerned.

Best/Worst Quote: “No! Not 2-12!” (Look of panic on face)

Stewart: He was very smart, backed his points, and did his best to expose short selling. Stewart’s on a mission to expose the bullshit of CNBC and cable news. Clips actually showed the true person Cramer is.

“This song ain’t about you.”

“It’s not a fucking game.” – Queue cheering and applause.

Bottom Line: You can’t trust a man who trusts corporations.

Joel Samson Berntsen (Elvis on Velvet-Stray Cats)

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